Suggestion deals with:
Benefits to members:
How would you implement:
What else might be affected:
Suggestion made by:
How can we contact you:
This page was last updated: August 30, 2022
The following information is optional.  However, in making an effort to understand and implement every suggestion, we sometimes need more information or clarification on what was initially provided.  If we can contact you, it helps us in trying to best solve the issue you are addressing.
The purpose of this suggestion form is to allow you, the member, to submit suggestions that you feel will make the Electric City Chapter of the Harley Owners Group better for all of its members.  We ask that you think through your suggestion and give us as much information as you can in each of the areas requested below.  If you do opt to give us the contact information below, it will only be used to contact you about this suggestion for additional information, clarification or to provide you with status on it and will not be divulged in any other fashion unless you approve of it.